Thursday 16 August 2012


*knock knock*

"Alan have you got a minute? I need to talk to you."

In walks Connie, the post production supervisor. Connie is in her 40s, and has been beaten into such a state by the cuntyness of Pete Blanche and friends that she is a permanent nervous wreck. When she isn't crying or being at the focal point of what I like to call the blame game (something goes wrong, someone has to be blamed, then that person passes the blame on to someone like me!!!!), shes generally quite lovely and brilliant at her job. What version am I going to get today? Good start, shes not crying.

"Now as you probably know we're running behind schedule and if we're going to make our deadlines we're going to need to double our efforts."

Holy shit fucking cuntballs. What I don't already live in this fucking place enough that now you want me to do even more work?

"I know that you'd probably like to do all this work on your own and are more than capable, but sometimes at times like these you need help.

What? Oh. My. God. Shes getting me help? I can have my life back!!

"So I'd like to introduce you to Saul, whos going to be working alongside you now for the duration of the edit".

The door swings open, and there stands Saul; grin beaming from ear to ear. Hes wearing a John Motson style sheepskin jacket, Hawaiian shirt, 80s elasticated denim jeans and tasseled loafers.

"Alan! How the fuck goes it? Lets smash the tits off this bitch."

"Isn't he funny Alan? You two are going to get along like a house on fire! Brilliant. Well if you show Saul the ropes and introduce him to the editors I'm sure he'll slot right in. See you boys later!"

"Laters sugar tits! Right then Alman, how the fuck does shit go down here then? Lets get raping these rushes!" Saul picks up a hard drive and begins to hump it. "Lets spunk all over these bits!"

Holy fucking christ. What the fuck? Hes like a fucking cartoon character! He should be in the Beano. I don't know if I can handle this. What the fuck have I done to deserve this?

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Seriously!!! People get paid to come up with this shit and people actually fucking watch it? Jennifer fucking saunders back in the saddle? My mums just got back in the saddle has come cunt just made a program about her? Worst thing is it says episode 1, like there's a whole series of this shit? What the fucks next? Pete Doherty (or P-Do as the media haven't lovingly called him like they acronym everyone else a la susan 'subo' boyle) back at playschool? Well I suppose you couldn't do that due to the needle hazard in the sandpit, but hey you get the fucking jist!!


cock cock cock cock fuck. Still at fucking work as well. Does anyone in this industry have a fucking social life?


Carte Blanche



The noise jolts my brain into life, my eyes sticky with sleep. The room slowly comes into focus. Where the fuck am I?


The cloud of confusion clears when I spot the Avid - I've fallen asleep at fucking work again after a late night loading the rushes from the latest block.


Shit the phone.......

"Hello, Alan here...."

"Alan, its Peter. Where the fuck are my rushes!!!"

Alan. Thats me. You might remember me? Anyway, I work in a post production house in Soho. Peter Blanche is the editor of the film I'm the assistant on. He's in his late fifties, old school, living off past glories and gets work from all his old chums he met at film school back in the day. Dresses in the manner of Mulligan and O'Hare with a similar beard and parting thing going on. Basically hes a massive cunthammer.

"Sorry Pete, they arrived at 11 o'clock last night and I got them loaded, just haven't got them on your Avid yet."

"I couldn't give a flying fuck what time they turned up Alan, your my assistant and its your job to make sure my material is ready for me first thing in the morning, my time is far more important than your measly little life. And my name isn't Pete, its PETER. If you want to survive in this industry my boy you better show more respect to your seniors. Now hurry up and get me my fucking rushes and bring me a latte while your at it".


So this is my life. My measly life. Sat in front of a Avid for 14 hours a day bowing to every whim of Pete Blanche, ubercunt. Well its not all shit anyway. I can blog and maybe save some poor graduate from following the same path as me. Still interested? Stay tuned and I'll be back with more. Milk and fucking two.